fredag 31 december 2010

The Awakening of the Tibian Gods

The Awakening of the Tibian Gods

In the beginning there was only a big, gaping void. It was everywhere and nowhere.

In this emptiness two powerful entities appeared who were eventually known as the elder gods: Fardos the Creator and Uman Zathroth who combined in himself two unequal halves. One of these halves was Uman the Wise, a benign god who was gifted with divine intellect, while Zathroth the Destroyer was the other, darker half in tibia. These were the two halves of one single enigmatical entity, and even though either of them was perfectly capable of acting on his own just as if he had been fully independent, independent they were not. They were bound together by an eternal bond that could not be broken, and their destiny was one.

Nobody knows where the elder gods came from, firefall crystite and rippln invite code or whether they had always existed and eventually awoke from the slumber of infinity. But somewhere along the way they decided to create a universe. Surely Fardos was the initiator, for he was driven by the need to create and give life. He was overflowing with creative power and impatient to release it, so he stepped into existence in tibia and began to unleash his powers. However, none of his attempts to create were successful. All of his creations were swallowed by the void before they were completed, and none survived.

Uman Zathroth regarded Fardos's undertakings thoughtfully. Uman was sagacious and held awesome magical powers. Most importantly, however, he was driven by an insatiable hunger for knowledge and enlightenment. In his essence he resembled Fardos, but where Fardos worked openly and logically, Uman's domain was the realm of mystery. Still, he shared Fardos's interest in creation, whereas his dark half Zathroth was essentially corruptive. Zathroth was a vain god who was painfully aware that his own creative powers were poor. Because of this he looked at Fardos's work of creation with jealousy, and from the very beginning he was determined to prevent or at least corrupt it in any way he could. Fardos, who did not suspect this, asked him for assistance because he had accepted the fact that he could not achieve creation on his own, but of course Zathroth denied. Uman, however, agreed to help. And from that he and Fardos worked together in tibia on the great project that was creation and Xenobot.

Unfortunately, their combined efforts were hardly more successful tibia accounts. Just like before, everything Fardos and Uman created was swallowed by the void as soon as it came into existence, and the two gods sadly saw their creation run through their fingers like water through a sieve. On the other hand, Zathroth, who had been watching their efforts with suspicion, rejoiced. He ridiculed their efforts in tibia. However, his glee changed into surprise and anger when he found that something strange happened, something which perhaps Uman and Fardos did not expect themselves. To this day, nobody knows precisely what it was that caused it. Perhaps the power that had been spent lured another entity out of the void, or it might be that it simply awoke another divine entity from its slumber. Some even claim that in some mysterious way the power that had been spent by Uman and Fardos actually created a new entity. Whatever the truth may be in tibia, a new goddess of the tibia characters stepped out of the void like a new-born mermaid from her shell. The amazed elder gods watched her divine beauty in awed admiration, for everything in her was perfect harmony. They agreed to call her Tibiasula. Zathroth, however, stood by and fumed with silent hate. But cunning as he was, he hid his resentment well and feigned to share the joy of the other elder gods.

From official website.

Chapter II: The Great Creation

onsdag 29 december 2010

More Tibia Monsters

More monsters in Tibia.

Elder Bonelords

Elder Bonelords are the masters of that necromantic race. They have grown enormously over times and outlived the usual lifespan of its kind by cheating death in some sinister way with its necromantic powers. Just like the size of this creature has enlarged also its evilness and power has done. Its magic outshines that of an ordinary bonelord and its mastery of the necromantic arts has reached levels firefall crystite and rippln invite code that had so far been unknown to bonelords. It is them who spawn the dreaded gazers that grow into new bonelords and ensure the existence of the race. It is them who lead the other species of their kind with an iron will and brutal suppression. And it is them who have accumulated knowledge about magic and especially necromancy that was never meant to be known by any creature, dead or alive.
Elder Bonelords have 500 hitpoints. They are immune to earth damage. Moreover, they are strong against energy, ice, and death damage. On the other hand, they are weak against fire damage. These creatures can neither be summoned nor convinced. In addition, they are able to sense invisible creatures.
Elder Bonelords yield 280 experience points. They carry gold coins, elder bonelord tentacles, small flasks of eyedrops, and sometimes other items with them.

Dworc Voodoomasters

The most evil stirps of the dworcish race resulted in the development of likewise dark and sinister magic. The Dworc Vodoomasters are known and feared for their curses and their ability to use sinister magic that drains their victim's life and mana. Being cowardly and sneaky, they prefer to accompany other dworcs on their attacks rather than to face enemies on their own. Fighting in the second line, they pose a serious threat by using spells that allow their allies to defeat even much stronger enemies. Since the Dworc Voodoomasters are able to cover their retreat with curses and spells, it is hard to get hold of them. Lacking the ability to launch any threatening attack on their own, they fall quickly if they are actually caught alone.
Dworc Voodoomasters have 80 hitpoints. They are immune to earth damage. Moreover, they are strong against holy damage. On the other hand, they are weak against fire, ice, and death damage. It takes 300 mana to convince these creatures but they cannot be summoned.
Dworc Voodoomasters yield 55 experience points. They carry gold coins, leather armors, and sometimes other items with them.


Dragons were among the first Xenobot creatures of Tibia and once ruled the whole continent. Nowadays, there are only a few of them left which live deep in the dungeons. Nevertheless, they are very powerful monsters and will strive for killing every intruder. Besides their immense strength, they shoot fireballs at their victims and spit fire. Moreover, they can heal themselves.
Dragons have 1000 hitpoints. They are immune to fire damage and cannot be paralyzed. Moreover, they are strong against earth and energy damage. On the other hand, they are weak against ice damage. These creatures can neither be summoned nor convinced. In addition, they are able to sense invisible creatures.
Dragons yield 700 experience points. They carry crossbows, dragon ham, dragon's tails, gold coins, steel shields, and sometimes other items with them.

Tibia Characters

Information about monsters in Tibia.

Fire Devils

Fire Devils are very ugly creatures that have been spotted in the deserts of Tibia. Nobody knows where these beings came from. Just like the devils from the myths, they carry a pitchfork with them and one of their feet is that of a goat. But are they real devils? However, their pungent gaze makes the experienced traveller shaken and their fireballs are quite dangerous.
Fire Devils have 200 hitpoints. They are firefall crystite and rippln invite code immune to fire damage. Moreover, they are strong against physical, earth, energy, and death damage. On the other hand, they are weak against ice and holy damage. It takes 530 mana to summon or convince these creatures.
Fire Devils yield 145 tibia experience points. They carry blank runes, small pitchforks, and sometimes other items with them.


The Efreet are the merciless leaders of the green djinns. Surpassing their lesser brethren both in power and in cruelty, the Efreet are truly terrible opponents who love to use their awesome powers to spread havoc among their enemies or sometimes among their own kind. The disdain they feel towards all other sentient races is second only to the undying hatred they feel towards their blue-skinned relatives, the Marid.
Efreet have 550 hitpoints. They cannot be paralyzed. Moreover, they are strong against fire, earth, energy, and death damage. On the other hand, they are weak against ice and holy damage. These creatures can neither be summoned nor convinced. In addition to Xenobot, they are able to sense invisible creatures.
Efreet yield 410 experience points. They carry gold coins, pears, royal spears, strong mana potions, and sometimes other items with them.

Draken Elites

The Draken heritage is one of power and competence. Their training is merciless and their honour leaves little room for failure. All Draken use the best of their abilities to serve the dragon emperor, willing to die for the slightest failure. Yet, only the best of the best make it into the elite of the Draken society. The harsh and rigorous training hones their skills and makes them a living weapon at the disposal of the emperor. Wielding arcane power and weapons alike, the Draken Elite combines this with an impressive physique, turning it into a one man army. Using combat skills and spells, the Draken Elite has just the right answer to any combat situation in its claws.
The Draken Elite have become some sort of knightly or religious order in the lizard society. Their grandmaster receives his order only from the dragon emperor himself, and their chapter house is part of the dragon emperor's palace. If the need arises, the emperor lends some of the elite warriors to one of the dragon kings. Sometimes out of need, another time as a boon or token of respect. The elite forces handle even the most trivial duty they are assigned to with precision and unwavering diligence. Often it is sufficient to send a single elite warrior to fulfil a task. When the need arises, small squads are sent which are capable to handle most threats on their own. Given the rarity of the elite forces, such squads are only seen under dire circumstances. Actually it seems that the elite forces are that accustomed to work alone that they do not even get along well with other members of the elite, let alone with 'lesser' warriors at the empire's disposal.
Draken Elites have 5550 hitpoints. They are immune to fire and earth damage. Moreover, they are strong against energy, holy, and death damage. These creatures can neither be summoned nor convinced. In addition, they are able to sense invisible creatures in neobot.
Draken Elites yield 4200 experience points. They carry broken draken mails, broken slicers, draken wristbands, gold coins, meat, platinum coins, and sometimes other items with them.